3:1 initial assessment

  • Collect Referral Source:
    eg. Google, physio, Consultant, colleague – this will give us more information if the patient hasn’t filled in their form.
    Please check their documents section prior to appointment.

  • ***If there is acute pain, you need to check that they have seen a medical practitioner. If they have not you need to bring this up with a member of the Senior Leadership team who will clinically reason with you and see whether this client needs a referral, a phone call, or a joint session is appropriate.***
  • Are there any positions you aren’t comfortable in?
  • - What do you do that helps make your symptoms feel better?
    - Is there any positions or postures which make your symptoms better?
  • Have you seen a physio/osteo/consultant before and has that helped?
  • ***If the answer is no, flag to member of the Senior Leadership Team***
  • Are you taking any painkillers?
  • ***If the answer is yes, flag to member of the Senior Leadership Team***
  • Have you ever been told you have any of the following?
    (This is so that we can make sure that we keep your movement safe and appropriate.)
    Check the boxes next to anything they say yes to
  • - What physical activity are you currently doing?
    - What activity would you like be doing?
  • - What do you do for a living?
    - Do your symptoms affect your job?
  • If the answer is yes flag to a member of the Senior Leadership Team
  • - What are your expectations of coming to Pilates rehab?
    - What are your goals? Make them specific
    - What would you like to achieve?

  • This should include your movement screen. It can be Polestar Pilates based or can be centred around a posture assessment and general movements such as sit to stand, standing roll down etc.

    Include your programme design with springs and any modifications you need to make.

    Please make sure they go on every piece of equipment.

  • What you think they need to improve on. This should be global things such as thoracic mobility, hip dissociation, spine mobility, rather than specific exercises or muscles.
  • P/ = PLAN

  • How you are going to achieve their goals – this is why the goals need to be SMART.

    You should include timeframes and general principles rather than specific exercises.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.