Our team
Interests: Pre & Post NatalNeck pain, Back and Pelvic Pain Â
Interests:Back pain, sports injuries, pre and post natal
Interests:Women’s and men’s health Oncology MS Chronic pain
Interests: Posture, lower back pain, Injury and post-op rehabilitation
Interests: OncologyOlder adults Sports injuries
Interests: Sports Rehab Dancers Back pain
Interests: Sports Rehabilitation, Neck Pain, Strength and Conditioning
Interests: Pre and post surgery Injury rehabilitation and Sports injuries
Interests: Performing arts injuries pre and post-natal women’s health and lower limb injuries.
Interests: Ballet dancers Hypermobility Shoulder injuries
Interests: Sports injuries Oncology Women’s and men’s health
Interests: Back pain Postural improvementWomens health
Interests: Women’s health, Pre and Post-natal, Breast cancer
Interests: PostureWomen’s health Strength and conditioning
Interests:Anatomy and biomechanics, Pre and Post natal Pilates, Exercise rehabilitation and overall wellness.
Interests: Physiotherapy, Women’s health, Injury rehab
Interests: Women’s and men’s health Back pain Posture
Interests:Women’s and men’s health Cancer rehabilitation Dancer’s rehabilitation
Interests: Rehabilitation Pre and Post natal low back pain
Interests:Women’s and men’s healthCancer rehabilitationOlder adults
Interests: Women’s and men’s healthSports injuriesAcute and chronic back and neck pain
Interests: Rehabilitation, Pre and Post Natal
Interests: Dance, Injury rehab, Mind & body connection.
Interests: DancersInjury rehabilitation and Fitness Pilates
Interests: Injury rehabilitation, Injury prevention and Fitness Pilates
Interests: low back pain rehabilitation hypermobility and shoulder rehabilitation
Interests: Injury prevention, Dancers, Pre and postnatal