Marathon Recovery: 6 Top Tips

The big marathon has come and gone.

You’ve implemented our last-minute marathon running tips and completed the mammoth 26.2 miles. Now is the time to congratulate yourself and marvel at the huge feat you’ve accomplished. Or is it?

Don’t kick back and relax just yet because now is also the time to start the post-marathon recovery plan.

You’ve probably devoted ages to working out your training schedule, putting together a good diet plan, and perhaps even planning your race outfit.

But did you put the same amount of thought into devising a recovery plan after the marathon?

Even though the running part of the marathon is done and dusted, you now need to put in the time to protect your body from sickness and injury.

To help you navigate this process, our expert team of Physios and clinical Pilates teachers have put together 6 of the best ways to recover from the marathon.

Our 6-point post-marathon recovery plan:

Post-Marathon recovery tip 1. Hydrate

Before you reach for that celebratory glass of fizz, focus on rehydration.

The best way to do this is to sip water little and often and avoid diuretics such as caffeine and alcohol. You can check if you are sufficiently hydrated by checking your urine; if it is a dark yellow colour then you need to up your intake.

It can also be a good idea to include an electrolyte tab in your water to replenish those vital vitamins and minerals lost during that sweaty run.

marathon recovery

Marathon recovery tip 2. Keep Moving

As tempting as it might be to chill out on a sofa or stay in your desk chair for the next week – don’t do it!

Experts recommend that you rest for between 26 – 42 days following a marathon, depending on whether they suggest a rest day for each mile or each kilometre covered. But by “rest” they don’t mean do nothing.

Instead, in the days immediately following the marathon it is important to keep moving as this will help combat muscle stiffness. Gentle, low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking or Pilates are all good choices to help with this. For those of you who are desk-bound for most of the day at work, it is also advisable to get up and move around every 15-30 mins.

Only return to gentle jogging once you’ve given yourself at least a few days to get over the fatigue and muscle aches. Keep to a low level of intensity for your workouts whilst your body continues to return to normal.

Marathon recovery tip 3. Get Some Treatment

Most people will feel some muscle soreness after such a long run, regardless of their level of fitness. And, even if you’re not feeling it right now, delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) can kick in days later.

To help reduce the discomfort associated with DOMS, a gentle soft tissue sports massage might be a good investment. Increasing blood flow to the muscles in this way can speed up your recovery time and reduce inflammation.

Intensive training and long runs – like the kind you do for the marathon – also take their toll on the nervous system. A gentle massage can help with calming your mind and body, and will give your over-stimulated nervous system a break.

It might also be worth directing some attention to your feet. They’ve worked hard too and are probably in need of some massage therapy. You can use a small ball for self-massage in this area – just be gentle and don’t apply too much pressure.

Marathon recovery tip 4. Give Running a Break

Running for 26 miles puts an enormous amount of strain on your joints, muscles and adrenal system.

So whilst you might want to get back on the road straight away, it might be a good idea to try alternative forms of exercise to support your body during the recovery period.

Machine Pilates can be a great option for post-marathon runners. This is because equipment Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that strengthens and stretches muscles without putting stress on joints. This is because the equipment can support your body weight or the weight of your limbs, which reduces the load when you are exercising.

Related reading: Types of Pilates Equipment

Post-marathon Pilates is great for the following:

  • Active recovery: Pilates gets your blood circulating and helps your muscles recover faster from the marathon’s tough workout.
  • Reducing discomfort: after running over 26 miles, your muscles might stiffen up. Pilates will help you get gently moving and stretching it’s just what you need to relieve muscle soreness and feel more mobile.
  • Injury prevention: running a marathon puts a lot of strain on your joints and muscles. Recovery time is the perfect time to start working on gentle strength that targets the stabilising muscles that help to make your body move more efficiently and help to reduce injury risk. By the time you are ready to get back into running training, you will have started working on a good routine to help you move more efficiently.
  • Mental relaxation: running a marathon can be mentally challenging. Pilates can be calming, helping you to take it easy. It’s like a zen session to chill out your mind and feel good.
  • Cross-training benefits: think of Pilates as a great way to mix up your post-marathon routine. It’s like giving your body a change of scenery and letting it try out something different.

Find out more about the 1-2-1 sessions we offer at Complete Pilates.

Related reading: Pilates for runners. 

marathon recovery

Marathon recovery tip 5. Refuel

You needed to eat the right food to fuel your run. Now you need to support your body’s recovery through a good diet.

To help repair muscles and restore your energy levels it is important to eat sufficient amounts of carbohydrates and protein-rich foods. Lean meat, nut butter, Greek yoghurt and grains such as brown rice and whole-grain bread are all excellent sources.

It is also important to keep up a healthy and varied diet in the days and weeks that follow the marathon. This will support – and speed up – your recovery.

Marathon recovery tip 6. Sleep

An increasing body of research shows that adequate sleep is important for the body to heal and repair. So whilst you might feel like going out on the town to celebrate and make the most of not having to get up so early to train…..don’t count on having loads of late nights just yet.

And finally, remember to high five yourself! You’ve achieved something amazing and you should feel proud.

Recovery is the time to be good to yourself. Use it is as a way to thank your body for seeing you through such an epic and unforgettable challenge.

marathon recovery

For more information, or to book 1:1 Pilates, get in touch or book today!

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Education is key:

These blogs are designed to give information to everyone, however, it is important to remember that everyone is different! If you have not seen one of our therapists and have any questions about injuries, what you have read or whether this may be useful to you, please just ask. We are more than happy to help anyone and point you in the right direction. Our biggest belief is that education is key. The more you understand about your injury, illness and movement, the more you are likely to improve.

If you are not sure whether this is for you, simply get in touch. We are here to help!
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